Energy healing sessions are the key to removing blocks and open up the energy to experience life on a whole new level: More clarity, more confidence, more flow.

Our body remembers, and our experiences in this life are stored in our memory either consciously or subconsciously. Our beliefs are creating our experience in life, and until we address the limiting beliefs and thoughts in our mind, we will continue to experience struggles and frustration in all areas of our life.

Our body remembers, and stores our experiences in this life in our memory either consciously or subconsciously. Our beliefs are creating our experience in life, and until we address the limiting beliefs and thoughts in our mind, we will continue to experience struggles and frustration in all areas of our life.

In an intuitive energy healing session I will read the underlying energy of a situation, and energetically clear the negative energies, unwanted patterns and attachments.

This will transform the emotions that are holding them in place, open up the energies, and align the client with their desired and most benevolent outcomes, on a physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual level.


In this energy clearing session I will work through the layers of build up energy that create blockages in your system and lead to the issues you are dealing with in your life. I will look into and clear conscious and subconscious beliefs, emotional blockages, spiritual attachments and connections, and any other resistance you may have to live your life happy and with ease.

60 minutes, $160


If you are looking to remove just a few layers, a small hick-up that is occupying your mind, or need a basic energetic balance and reset, consider a short and sweet session! These sessions are done over the phone.

30 Minutes, $85

  • All sessions are remote, either on zoom, or by phone, depending on your preference.

  • All individual sessions must be paid in full upon booking. Cancellations will be accepted until 24h before the session, and a new appointment can be scheduled. 


The Akashic Records are a collective of consciousness of all thoughts, actions, emotions and experiences for the collective, as well for each individual.  It is often thought to be an immense library, full of books, where everything is recorded that has ever been experienced by your soul, or the soul of the collective.

If you are struggling in the areas of money, relationships, or health, the Akashic Records is the place to connect with the unconscious memories that are holding the information, or the lessons from past life times or experiences.  These lessons still hold an energetic charge in your energy field and can thus prevent you from living a purposeful life.

Accessing the Akashic Records and receiving the information needed will help to bring meaning to current situation and furthermore, will help to bring forth the wisdom and gifts that your soul is here to explore, receive and experience.

PROSPERITY READING: Package of three sessions

How you do money you do everything in life.  Our relationship with money works in the same way as our relationships with other people.  We can feel rejected, abandoned or neglected by money.  We can have a love/hate relationship with money.  We want money but then we push it away.

Does money come into your life, but then leaves as fast as it came in? 

  • Do you always just scrape by? 

  • Do you keep getting in debt?

  • Are you just never able to save more than the bare minimum?

  • Do you respect money or is your attitude more like "it's just money"

The Prosperity sessions have been so helpful to learn more and go deeper into my relationship with money and how that affects my financial abundance. Each session had both separate insights and also had connection between all of them. I was impressed by Nicole’s ability and how she shared her guidance and clarity
— Wendy, Virginia, USA

RELATIONSHIP READINGS: Package of 4/8 sessions

Healing Relationships through the Akashic Records

Choose between two separate offerings:

  1. Conflict Resolution (four sessions)

  2. Opening up to Love (four sessions)

It is, however, recommended to start with 'Conflict Resolution' and then progress to 'Opening up to Love'.


Accessing your Akashic Records will provide answers to situations in your life that you are experiencing, where you feel stuck, frustrated, lost, or generally not aligned with your purpose and dreams.

We will use those answers to shift the misaligned energies.

Working with the Akashic Records will help you rewrite your money story and create a new relationship with money; it will help you understand your patterns around debt and money.  You will be able to create new beliefs to invite money into your life.

The first session will reveal your relationship with money.  Are you inviting money into your life, or are you subconsciously repelling it.  We will look into why you are repelling it.  What keeps you from receiving the money that you desire.  What past life contracts or agreements are involved.

In the second session, we will discover your subconscious programming around 'energetic debt'.  Any situation where someone feels taken advantage off, guilty about their actions, having a hard time saying 'no', etc, creates an energetic debt.  This energetic debt will translate directly into your relationship with money, and oftentimes also leads to financial debt.  

During the third session we will establish an intimate relationship between you and money.  We will be energetically strengthen the relationship with money that we have been building in the past two sessions.  We will also establish actions that will keep this relationship growing.

Package of 3 sessions: $444

or schedule your Free Discovery Call

  • All sessions are remote, with feedback offered online on zoom.  

  • All sessions must be paid in full upon booking. Cancellations will be accepted until 24h before the session, and a new appointment can be scheduled. 

Conflict Resolution: Package of four sessions

Session 1: By going in the Akashic Records we will uncover how this relationship is impacting you, and what the root causes are.  What agreements did you make with yourself that has attracted this relationship/situation into your life.

Session 2: In this session there will be a healing on an energetic level between you and the person you are in conflict with.  We will discover what relationship agreements were made between the two parties, and then clear those agreements.

Session 3: Here we will uncover what underlying, unhealed wounds this relationship is mirroring for you. Where and why was that wound created.  What contracts did you make in previous lifetimes that have now attracted the current situation.

Session 4: With the help of your guides in the Akashic Records, we will seal your dreams, and visions for the relationship; what you desire for  the future of the relationship to look like, and then adjust your energy to this new reality.  

Package of four sessions: $585

Opening up to Love: Package of four sessions

Session 1:  In this first session we will look at what could still prevent this new relationship from happening.  We then will clear those blockages or sabotaging patterns.  

Session 2: Releasing childhood agreements.  Looking at the wounds from childhood that are now influencing your choices.

Session 3: Looking at any unconscious beliefs or fears of what could go wrong if you have what you desire.

Session 4:  Recommitting to your soul's agreement.

Package of four sessions: $585

or schedule your Free Discovery Call

or schedule your Free Discovery Call

Hi Nicole! I just needed to thank you from the bottom of my dysfunctional family heart for your very powerful healing. For the first time in over 10 years I was able to interact with family members on a level that did not cause me anxiety, grief, or any uncomfortable physical manifestation thereof. You are truly gifted and amazing at what you do. The insights you provided as to why the yuck-energy was there in the first place was also so eye-opening and REAL! How do you do what you do!? It’s incredible. You are a blessing. Gift certificates for your work is the best stocking stuffer this year– only we need you BEFORE the holidays get into full swing! Sending so much love and gratitude.
— XO Julie