Ready to be VISIBLE?

Empowerment Coaching for HSPs, Empaths and Introverts

As a highly sensitive person, empath or introvert, who is ready to step forward and start

  • to embrace your own, true, magnificent unique SELF

  • to attract people in your life that SEE and APPRECIATE you for who you are

  • to not hold back the best part of you anymore

  • to show the world WHO YOU TRULY ARE?


the key to your success is to release the conscious and subconscious programming that is controlling your life and preventing you from not hiding behind your fears and insecurities anymore, and being unconditionally YOU!

This is a 12 week online coaching program that will help you discover the roots of your insecurities, fears and limiting beliefs.

On YOUR healing journey you will …

  • remove the blocks, memories, beliefs, contracts and vows that are holding you back at the deepest energetic level

  • free yourself from the past so that you can take the necessary steps to become more authentic and

  • develop belief and trust in yourself, so that your confidence will soar

  • experience a level of self-empowerment that will push all limitations out of your way

Unconditionally be YOU is the foundation to be respected, loved and seen 100% for who you are.

Why it matters to Be unconditionally YOU

If you are ignoring parts of yourself, be it out of fear, shame, guilt, insecurities, or any other reasons, you deny your own TRUE, AUTHENTIC SELF to fully express itself and be seen, heard and appreciated by the world.

These lower emotions and deep seated beliefs around what you deserve, how you expect to be treated, and/or what you could expect from a relationship, are sending out a vibration into the world and are received by people and situations that are maneuvering through life with the same mindset and energy footprint, in short, the same vibration. You attract people/situations in your life that mirror those exact beliefs back to you.

As a sensitive, empathic, and compassionate child, I couldn’t understand why so often in my young life my efforts wouldn’t be appreciated, my opinions dismissed, or why I would just plain be ignored. Over time my confidence plummeted, my insecurities soared and I would become very fearful of being asked a question or voicing my opinion. I started to hide, tried to be invisible, and in turn would oftentimes miss opportunities to bring attention to myself and what I had to offer.

I accepted that I was ‘shy’, but at the same time I felt a force within that pushed me to step up and out. It took many years until I allowed that bud to blossom. But once I allowed my creative power to be visible, to stand up for myself, and to own the space that I deserved, in short, when I empowered myself to be unconditionally me, my life started to unfold in directions I couldn’t have dreamed of before.

Using what I learned about overcoming my fears, insecurities and limiting beliefs, I now apply these principles with my clients and guide them towards reconnecting with who they truly are so they are not holding themselves back to be 100% visible and BE Unconditionally Themselves!

If you have been wondering if there’s another way, a way that allows you to be yourself,

authentically, unapologetically, and confidently ...

The answer is YES!

Whether you are

  • frustrated by the attention and treatment you receive from your environment or partner

  • stopped by your fears and insecurities from speaking up, or even moving on and leaving a relationship that is not in your best interest

  • unfulfilled and not acknowledged for who you are, for what you do, for what you could do, and constantly take the blame when things are not working out

it’s all about to change!

Being unconditionally YOU is possible 

Trusting yourself, speaking up for what you want, being fully seen, heard and loved for who you are, having a sense of self and knowing your needs, are not just a pipe dream, but a very feasible reality based on the following:




By working through the self-limiting beliefs, that are mostly held in the sub-conscious, you will pave the way for the TRUE YOU. By releasing old memories, experiences and beliefs, you will begin to set boundaries, speak up, stop pleasing and acting out of guilt, be able to fully Embrace your Own Self again and experience radical SELF-LOVE.

Unconditionally be YOU is the foundation to attract people who respect and love you for who you are, and embrace your essence 100%.

Because I have seen too many people struggle with feeling dis-empowered, speak up for what they want, and be fully seen, heard and loved for who you are by others, I created this Signature 12-Week experience out of a passion to support and empower highly sensitive women and men to reconnect with their TRUE SELF so that they can unconditionally


Are YOU ready to become more of who YOU truly are and feel CONFIDENT and EMPOWERED?


This is amazing. It helped me a lot to understand the why’s of my issues with my sister. If you want to bring deep healing to your life Nicole will help you. With ease and gentle energy she will get to the root of the issue and will help you to shift and release what doesn’t serve you anymore. Bring healing not only to yourself but others as well. It’s helped me bringing clarity, love, forgiveness compassion and peace to my mind and heart.

- Jasmin A, Maine

As your Spiritual Life Coach, I will help you get crystal clear on what is blocking your path forward. Developing the mindset, self-love and confidence, you will experience the transformation to fully trust in yourself, and to be in alignment with your values, so that you bring balance, clarity and flow into your life.

Here’s what you will receive in this 12-Week Life-Changing Program:

01  Releasing the old program (four sessions)

  • In these sessions, we will focus on one relationship specifically that has impacted you, or is still impacting you in a detrimental way. A relationship that has created the negative programming and limiting beliefs that you are holding on a deep level, and that are currently blocking your success in life.

  • Once this old programming is released, you will automatically develop more confidence in yourself, feel more empowered,
    and meet life with more ease!

02 Setting the pathway for the new YOU (four sessions)

  • In these sessions we will focus on creating something new.  We will focus on what you desire, what you truly want to attract in your life.  We will work on any resistance that you might have to attract what you truly deserve,  and will open the energies for you to invite this into your life.

03  Four energy Alignment Sessions

  • Over the course of our 12 weeks together, you will receive four Energy Alignment Sessions.  Those sessions can be scheduled at your convenience.  We can determine while you are going through the program when a session will be most beneficial.

Over the course of our 12 weeks together…

  • Your confidence will soar

  • Your belief and trust in yourself will become rock solid

  • You will be deeply rooted in yourself and be at ease with self and others

  • You will feel empowered and ready to step up your presence in the world

  • You will attract people who match your energy and vibration

  • You will be authentic in who you are and therefore attract people with whom you resonate

  • You will be confident to be yourself in any life circumstance

  • Your passion for yourself will be reignited and you will be ready to show the world your true self

Your Investment:  $2222

What happens if you don’t join today?

I understand, deciding to invest in yourself is a big decision to make.

In order for you to grow and expand, and overcome your limiting patterns that have been a sabotaging factor in your life, you need someone you can trust, and who can guide you through those confusing circumstances.

You need help to grow because on our own we never see the entire picture. As honest as we try to be with ourselves, there are always some blind spots that prevent us to see the full perspective. This program offers you an overall view, and will uncover the hidden stones that block the path forward to becoming the fullest version of yourself!

If you’re happy to continue as you are and not get the support you need to free yourself from your sabotaging patterns and habits, what will happen is more of the same of what brought you to this page in the first place…

  • more frustration for being ignored and not appreciated

  • more time lost in not showing the world your full potential

  • more encounters with people who don’t respect you and take you seriously

  • more time hiding your beautiful self and denying yourself the chance to be your genuine self

  • more times experiencing the same patterns of rejection and shame


You know you’ve spent enough time and effort trying to overcome your blockages on your own, and it’s getting you nowhere FAST!

It’s time to take that leap of faith and start addressing and releasing those core wounds, memories and experiences that are controlling your life!


Next steps:

  • I realize that this is a lot to take in. The next step is to book your Free Discovery Call with me HERE, if you haven’t done that yet. During the call I will answer any questions you may have, and will share more about the transformational journey you can expect.

  • If you are ready to become VISIBLE, to BE Unconditionally YOU, and start your journey to transformation right away, then click HERE and sign up!

“The Conflict Resolution Program was incredible. Decade-old anger, resentment, and issues with my sibling were resolved within a few weeks. Nicole is kind, supportive, and non-judgmental. The work she offers is transformative, life-changing, and profound. After this program, I finally enjoyed the holiday season with my sibling. I was not triggered or upset, even though she had not changed. I had changed, and it changed the dynamics between us. It was the first time I could be neutral, and it is a testament to the assistance, energy work, and guidance I received from Nicole.

Suppose you are experiencing relationship issues with family, co-workers, neighbors, or a partner; in that case, this program can transform it into a healthier environment so you can move forward and enjoy your life again.”
— Aurora F, Sarasota FL