AUTHENTIC connection

NICOLE PETERHANS - Energy Alignment and Mindset Coach for HSPs, Empaths and Introverts

Learn to put yourself first

and find your happiness!

Invest in your relationship with yourself

As HSPs and Empaths we can deeply feel the energies of our environment and other people.

Through learned behaviors and programming as well as a compassionate and nurturing nature, the tendency to put others first is strong. But in doing so, we neglect the relationship with ourselves, which can lead to missed opportunities in life, as well as resentment, insecurities, and low self-worth.

Let me be your advocate and help you embrace and treat yourself as the most important person in your life.

Together, we will unravel where your self-sabotaging patterns come from, what limiting beliefs you are holding that work against you, and why you are not setting the boundaries that protect your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Nicole is just amazing in her ability to BE during the entire process of discovery, release and alignment. Her playfulness and skill bring ease into tender moments and invite transformation and integration with joy. You always feel the part of the journey that you came for is complete. I leave with such enthusiasm for what will next unfold because of it.
— Claudia S, California

BE Unconditionally YOU!

During our time together, we will unravel the deeper patterns that hold you back to BE Unconditionally YOU!

A new awareness of why you are attracting the unfavorable situations in different areas of your life will help you redirect your mental and emotional focus.

Tailored energy healing will transform the layers of energy that have build up over time and that is creating your current reality.

Focusing on YOU

01 - You deserve to be VISIBLE and SHINE your light

Together we go to the core of what is holding you back to express your true self, what is making you hide and not seeing you for the beautiful soul that you are.

02 - Feel EMPOWERED and make your presence known to the world

Diving deeper into your limiting mindset, and bringing awareness to and releasing the self-defeating patterns and behaviors that stifle your voice, creativity, and intuition, and keep you stuck in states of stress, fear, and self-doubt.

03 - Develop BELIEF and TRUST in yourself, so that your CONFIDENCE will soar

Learn to trust yourself again, speak up for what you want, and be fully seen, heard and loved for who you are by others and, most importantly, by yourself.

Start a new relationship with yourself NOW!