AUTHENTIC connection

Nicole Peterhans - Spiritual Life Coaching

for HSPs and Empaths

Unlock your Confidence,

speak your Truth,

and stop being Invisible!

Hi, I am Nicole,

your Guide to




Welcome to Authentic Connection™!

As your Spiritual Life Coach I offer guidance for HSPs, Empaths and Introverts to re-establish your connection with your true authentic self. 

My mission is to assist you in breaking free from fears and insecurities, paving the way to pursue your life's purpose with unwavering confidence.

This will help you regain your sense of self, and feel empowered and confident to express your truth and achieve your dreams and goals.

Thrive as your most CONFIDENT self!

Do you put others' needs first?
Have you felt unseen, unheard, and unloved?
Has your codependent relationships affected you negatively?

Do you have a tendency to cater to everybody else first, and neglect yourself in the process?
Now is the time for change!

As an HSP you have a hightened sense of sensitivity and experience the world on a deeper level. You are more aware of subtleties, process information deeply, and are more easily overwhelmed in certain situations. You are empathic, creative, imaginative, passionate, deep thinkers, able to see the big picture, but also picking up on all subtleties.

These are great gifts but can also be great burdens, especially if you are not understood by the people around you. It can lead to being misunderstood, overseen, not heard, not being taken seriously or appreciated for what you do, ultimately being invisible in different ways.

This can create insecurities, shame, guilt, and fears, so that you want to hide and not be seen and therefore giving up on many opportunities in your life.

I work with HSPs, Empaths and Introverts like you to support you in feeling empowered and to make yourself your first priority instead of putting everyone else’s needs first!

By guiding you towards self-love and establishing a firm sense of self, you will be able to fully stand in your power and embrace your HSP gifts, and follow your desires and your purpose in life.

You have the choice to change your life TODAY when you make an empowered decision to put yourself first. Boldly go after what you desire and deserve, release what's no longer serving you, and attract what you want out of life. With my guidance, you will learn to...

  • Make confident and empowered decisions

  • Trust yourself, your intuition, and your instincts

  • Pursue your own needs and desires wholeheartedly

  • Develop a deep knowing of who you are and what you want from life

If any of this sounds like YOU, book a free discovery call with me.


Who would you be if you were unconditionally YOU?

If you would drop the mask and your self-defeating patterns and behaviors that stifle your voices, creativity, and intuition, and keep you stuck in states of stress, insecurities, fear, and self-doubt.

If you were to reconnect again with your emotions and inner wisdom.

If you trust yourself fully, speak up for what you want, and be fully seen, heard and loved for who you are by others and, most importantly, by yourselves.

Curious? Check out how we can work together, achieving exactly this:



Focus on creating change in your life as quickly as possible. We'll work together on a one-on-one basis, making sure we're 100% focused on your specific goals and needs in life. This is the best way to get what you want out of coaching, without getting off track.




Sometimes, all we need is a little boost, a little adjustment that leads to alignment and flow, and brings back clarity and focus.



“3 Reasons why you are feeling Invisible and Unappreciated and how to Fix them”

to learn why you are out of balance, disconnected from self, and feel invisible and unheard.

Resources to support your Transformation

  • Free eBook

    Learn how to be in balance, and feel empowered to speak your truth, trust yourself, and become visible.

  • Mindset update

    Workbook to reset your limiting beliefs and subconscious programming

  • Intuitive Healing Sessions

    Customized sessions to release old patterns and beliefs and open up the pathways to bring ease and flow in your life.

  • From Invisible to Visible

    12 week course to reconnect with your self, build up your confidence and self-worth, make yourself your priority and BE unconditionally YOU.

What other’s are saying