Be the Star on your own Stage!


To get any confusion out of the way, I want to clarify what I mean with being on our own stage. I look at each person's path on this earth as their time on their own stage. On our own stage we are the main player in our own play. Our own play consists of the experiences we are going through in life, the challenges that are thrown our way, the happy moments as well as the sad and difficult ones.

As the main actor on our stage, we also have a lot of supporting actors. Some of those actors share our stage for only brief moments, but others are there for longer times, sometimes even a whole lifetime.

And each and every one of those supporting players is there to help us and support us on our way forward. The help and support doesn't always come in a nice package though. Some of the acts might be quite challenging, painful, and upsetting.

However, each act is there to challenge us for a purpose, to teach us something and help us shift our awareness. In each act we have a choice to listen to our intuition, to follow our heart and to connect with our own truth. Or, we can choose to ignore our intuition and follow a course that is based on limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.

So here is the question: to whom do you give your power as the main player. To yourself or to one of your supporting actor. Are your actions and responses based on what is in your best interest or do you give your power away and let other's decide what is best for you.

Let me explain a bit more. In life, our reality consists of our thoughts and beliefs, that have often been created a long time ago, in our childhood. Based on our experiences there, we created a whole lot of beliefs that are still (sub-) consciously leading our decisions.

What or on whom are you basing your decisions on? What kind of obligations, expectations, or demands are you trying to follow or to please, when you make a decision? Are your actions based on guilt, shame, fear or insecurities? Any lower emotions are a sign that you are not in your full power, and that you are moving along your life path stirred by emotions and beliefs that are not in your best interest.

I invite you to take your power back. To observe what your actions and decisions are based on. Are they coming from a place of truth where you respect and honor yourself fully, or are they coming from a limitation, where you deny yourself what you deserve: love, respect, attention, apprecitation, acceptance, etc.

Take your power back! Put yourself back onto Centerstage. Start shining your light. Don't let other people's fears, insecurities and limitations hold you back and dim your light. This is your stage, your place to shine, your place to show the world who you are.

Once you start honoring and respecting yourself by listening fully to what it is that you need, by putting yourself onto Centerstage, that's when you start radiating the love, appreciation, respect and value for self.

That is the time when you shine your light and this light will be seen and honored by others.